Have you ever heard the saying "Never go to bed angry?"...well I kind of think that may be a load of crap ; ) My reason behind saying this is that some people, like myself, tend to feel like everything is falling apart when something goes wrong or I get really angry. However, if I just "sleep on it", I always feel better in the morning. It really helps me to put things into perspective when I don't dwell on it. Something that may make me extremly angry today, really may not be a big deal tommorow. If it is, then I address it and move on.
I have always heard to "pick my battles" in marriage, the workplace, school, with your children, and even friends and I feel like this is so true. Some things are just not worth fighting for! Being right in isn't important but relationships are. You have to remember that "this too shall pass"...I constantly remind myself of this because I tend to be very dramatic and feel like something is a huge deal that really isn't at all.
I think it is important to realize that everyone was created different. Different hair, skin, eyes, personalities, beliefs, religions, strengths and weaknesses, as well as goals, attitudes and talents. You are not going to agree with any one person all of the time, no matter who they are and we all make mistakes! So be confident about who you are and embrace the fact that you are unlike anyone else. So many people waste so much time trying to be someone they are not...stand proud with all your flaws and quirks because that is what makes you you!!!
I read somewhere that if you are really angry with your spouse or child, walk away for a bit and come back and discuss it when you calm down. I know this cannot be applied in every situation but how great would it be if I had enough self control to walk away from an upcoming argument with my husband to "cool down" and prevent myself from saying things out of anger that I probably don't mean anyway! You can calmly express your opinion and concerns with someone and prevent a bad situation if you could do this...I know I would benefit from this!
So, I challenge each of you to stop and sleep on it...dont necessarily let it go to nightfall before you do anything about a situation, but take a step back and a deep breath before answering next time...my bet is that you will save yourself an argument or two if you show that kind of control...I am also challenging myself to this and I have a tendency to say what pops into my head at the moment...so we'll see how this turns out : ) Ask Travis in a couple of weeks